Diagnosed With Congenital Glaucoma

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Bhubaneswar, Nov 2: In a significant medical achievement, doctors at Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) have saved a 9-month-old baby boy from losing vision in his right eye after he was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma.

The advanced glaucoma surgery, a combination of trabeculotomy and trabeculectomy, was performed at KIMS, positioning the institute as a pioneer in Odisha for such a procedure on a young patient.

The baby boy, who hails from the city, had developed congenital glaucoma in his right eye and underwent complex surgical procedures on November 1. The surgery was conducted by Assistant Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. Saswati Sen, under the supervision of the Head of the Department, Dr. Matuli Das. The medical team’s efforts were instrumental in preventing the child from facing a life of partial or complete blindness. He is recovering well and is set to be discharged soon.

The cost of the treatment at KIMS was significantly lower than other hospitals in the state, making it accessible to a broader section of the population. The parents had visited other hospitals before deciding to avail the treatment from KIMS.

Congenital glaucoma is a condition that occurs in approximately 1 out of 10,000 cases, making early diagnosis and intervention crucial for successful treatment. Dr. Sen emphasized the importance of prompt medical attention, stating, “The baby had developed the condition in four months. Such conditions happen in 1 out of 10,000 cases. The earlier you treat the eye, the better. He will regain useful vision for the rest of his life.”

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